Made in the USA Coats

As a person that spent most of their career behind a sewing machine, I am happy  to pay my peers for their excellent craftsmanship and make no apologies for the true cost of a living wage here in the United States.

All of our pieces are created using small batch manufacturing methods, meaning that our skilled labor force can create a single coat from start to finish, rather than working on one component repeatedly all day long.

Working local has its advantages in that we are able to produce very small batch and limited run pieces for you in a variety of sizes and colors, while keeping our inventory low and our quality standards high.

Sewing Machine

What we do here is not ground-breaking. We rely on old-world methods of manufacturing that bring money into our local economy and keep our craft alive here in the United States during a time when 90% of our clothing is made overseas.

Sewing our product locally however, is just one step in many. For our wool coating I am proud to partner with Shaniko Wool Co and American Woolen to bring our customers a RWS + NATIVA™ Regen Certified Domestic Wool Fabric for use in our wool overcoat collection.

Shaniko Wool

photo courtesy of Shaniko Wool

Reconnecting the American supply chain after decades of off-shoring has been no small feat.

The benefits outweigh the costs.

By preserving our craft  here in this country, we are not only able to move closer toward meeting our sustainability goals, but we can better ensure good working conditions for garment and textile workers, while bolstering our local and national economies, and keeping these crucial skills close to home. 

American Woolen

Photo courtesy of American Woolen

You can read more on my blog about Why Made in the USA Matters to me.

Or find out more about our Made in the USA materials here.


Liz Williams